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Forever Crisp Dill Pickles
  • Cucumber
  • Vegetables
Forever Crisp Dill Pickles Serves:   8
(serving size: 1 pint)

  • Prep Time:   20 minutes
  • Cook Time:   15 minutes
  • Total Time:   35 minutes


4 lbs cucumbers
2 cloves of garlic for each jar (peeled)
1 or 2 fresh sprigs of dill for each jar
4 or 5 black peppercorns for each jar
1 small fresh hot red cayenne pepper for each jar (optional)
2 quarts of water
2 quarts of white vinegar
scant 1/2 c. canning salt


Soak freshly picked cucumbers in a tub of ice water overnight. Use freshly picked Pickling Cucumbers for the best results. Wipe the pickles dry.

Sterilize pint canning jars and two piece lids Pack sterilized jars with several sprigs of dill, one clove of garlic at the top and bottom and the cucumbers.

Boil the 2 quarts water, 2 quarts vinegar and scant 1/2 cup salt for 5 minutes. Pour the boiling brine over the cucumbers and adjust 2 piece canning lids. Process in a boiling water bath for 10 minutes.

Wait for about 3 weeks before using to allow the pickles to mellow.  Will make 7-8 pints jars of pickles.

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